The collection, spanning the period 1832-1892, consists primarily of the letters written to Joseph Elfreth (1824-1898), a Pennsylvania Quaker, many of which relate to family matters, including health and the birth of children, and occasionally indicates the connections among Quaker families. There are also financial accounts, miscellaneous letters, documents and a few photographs. Many of the letter writers only sign with an initial, but some who can be identified include: Caleb P. Elfreth, James Elfreth and Abigail Pierce, Joseph Elfreth's mother. As well, there is a box of financial accounts, including two notebooks kept by Jacob R. Elfreth. There are also miscellaneous letters, documents and a few photographs. Unusual among the latter is an eye-witness account by Florence Elfreth (later Redman), Joseph's daughter, of events at the Equal Rights Convention, ca. 1870s.